On August 24, starting at 14:00, a multiplier event introducing the goals and results of the INLEARC project will be held in the conference hall of the Tallinna Tööstushariduskeskus (Sõpruse pst. 182, Tallinn). Programme:

14.00-14.15 Registration and coffee

14.15-14.30 Opening words by Jüri Riivese (IMECC OÜ, project lead partner)

14.30-16.00 Introducing the results of Erasmus+ project INLEARC:

  • Eduard Brindfeldt: A smart educational platform in the field of mechatronics and robotics
  • Madis Moor: Introduction to practical use-case
  • Kristo Vaher: Feedback from the company representative

16.00-17.00 Discussion continues in coffee-table